プラズマアーク切断機の概念図を図2に示す。この装置は、炉心下部構造物(LCSA: Lower Core Support Assembly)の切断/解体に用いられた。プラズマアークトーチは、様々な切断方法(ウォータージェット、シャーリング、アークソー、酸素燃焼、超音波破断、レーザー切断など)の中から選定され、デブリ取り出し初期に、炉心上部格子や端栓の解体に利用されていた。LCSAは、約1年かけて約50個のパーツに解体された。解体作業自体は短時間であったが、システムの不具合や設計変更に時間を要した。[1]
Plasma Arc Cutting Hazards. One concern from the use of the plasma arc torch was toxic gas generation. By-product gases included fissile material vaporization; krypton-85; carbon monoxide; small quantities of hydrogen (less than 1/10 standard cubic feet per minute); nickel carbonyl vapor; and oxides of nitrogen. The principal oxides of concern were nitric oxides and nitrogen dioxide.
Safety evaluations concluded that gases that escaped from the water surface would be captured by the defueling work platform off-gas system. The gas was expected to be diluted to insignificant concentrations in the containment building near the plant purge system exhaust suction point, even during periods of no purge operation. Condensable gas products were retained in the water. Administrative controls were required to ensure that personnel access to the discharge areas inside the containment building was prohibited during plasma arc cutting. The safety department monitored the work area for by-product gas to ensure it did not exceed occupational exposure limits. (206) • Plasma Arc Cutting Performance. Several actions were taken to address concerns about automated (plasma arc) cutting equipment system performance: (●) improvements to increase the reliability of this system, (●) increase in the size of the pieces cut from the lower core support assembly to decrease the number of cuts, and (●) development of the core boring machine as a backup.
[1] Three Mile Island Accident of 1979 Knowledge Management Digest, NUREG/KM-0001, Supplement 1, 2 and 3, USNRC, 2020.
[2] A.W. Marley, D.W. Akers and C.V. Mclsaac, Sampling and Examination Methods Used for Three Mile Island Unit 2, Nucl. Technol. 87 (1989) 845-856.