Database for grasping the in-core situation of Fukushima Daiichi Power Station
You can centrally search for materials related to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident published by Tokyo Electric Power Company, government offices, research institutes, etc.
Enter the keyword of the material to be searched, the target machine, location, and the year of publication of the material, and click the "Start Search" button to display the target material list at the bottom of the page.
You can browse the materials by clicking the title of the material list.
Some links within the HTML page are used, but they may not function correctly when using Adobe Acrobat extensions, etc. The original output list is in Japanese, but if you click the US flag on the green icon "Translate" in the upper right, the list will be automatically translated into English.
We have stopped adding materials related to treated water to our database after July 2024. For the most up-to-date information on treated water, please visit 1. TREATED WATEZR PORTAL SITE(TEPCO), 2. Monitoring of the ALPS treated water(METI), 3. ALPS Treated Water Marine Monitoring Information(MOE)